

Special Advisor, Media & Editorial

Kim Foerster is the Founder and CEO of CharacTour, LLC, a character-focused recommendation engine for all types of media online. Since characters are often the reason why someone enjoys a movie, TV show, and/or book, CharacTour offers thousands of reviews on popular characters as well as unique tools for users to discover who they want to watch or read about.

Kim was inspired to found CharacTour in part due to her experience as a Managing Director at Perseus, LLC, a Washington, D.C. private equity firm where she worked for eight years. While at Perseus, she was actively involved in four publishing-related acquisitions and was a Board Member of Perseus Books, a nonfiction publisher.

Prior to Perseus, she worked at two other private equity firms – the Audax Group and Castle Harlan. Early in her career, Kim worked in the investment banking division of Goldman Sachs and the strategic planning group of PepsiCo. Kim received her MBA from Kellogg and her BA in English from Rice University.